I am an energetic and thoughtful person, driven for success. Whatever the task, be it building from scratch or debugging complex systems; once I sink my teeth in I don’t let go until it’s done. I am a polyglot with professional coding experience in Ruby, Python and ReactJS. I find myself a bit more comfortable writing scripts and slinging objects around in the back-end, but have the know-how to do most front-end stuff too. In my free time, if I’m not on my motorbike, or playing soccer with my teenage son, I find it refreshing to throw away all the boundaries and do creative writing as well, having published three eBooks on Amazon.
G’day! After YAML ruined my day, I decided I would create a means for others to avoid such pain. Yesterday I spent some time creating a ruby class that will take an SSL certificate and turn it into an environment variable. I use the figaro gem to manage…
Studying hard: BA (Psychology) & PhD (Neuroscience)
Postdoctoral training in vision science
Lecturing at Universities Down Under
Writing & publishing eBooks
Metamorphosis: From Neurocientist to Programmer
Software Engineer at Gate121
Software Engineer/Data Scientist at Factil.io
Engineer at Envato
Engineering Consultant at DiUS
Drop me an email if you are interested in me coding for you or zooming around Oz on a motorbike!