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17 Aug 2017 . job hunt diary . Comments #diary, jekyll, redundant, jobhunt, github

Yesterday, I walked into work as per normal, strong flat-white in hand, only to discover I’d been made ‘redundant.’ This came as quite a shock. I’d only been with the company just over a year and my annual review gave me no indication that my performance was unsatisfactory. Quite the opposite. As it turns out, my boss assured me it had nothing to do with my performance, just that the management team had decided my role was no longer necessary for the company.

Well, crap… that sucks.

Fortunately, the management at Gate121 were generous and gave me a redundancy package that would be the equivalent of my salary to keep me solvent for another twelve weeks. So, the countdown begins:

T-84 days and counting…

After a day of walking around like a stunned deer, I started planning out my job hunt. One of the first elements on the list was to update this blog site. As I hadn’t touched it since its creation back in January 2016, I had to re-acquaint myself with Jekyll and how it works. It’s a handy little app that makes publishing blog posts on a static site like Github Pages a breeze. There are also a bucketload of ready-made Jekyll Themes out there to fork on Github and personalize.

And so, here I am, Day 1 writing my first post about the job hunt, what I’m planning/doing, the victories and epic fails I experience along the way, as well as other bits & pieces. My plan is to publish posts regularly so stay tuned!

Ciao for now!
