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Day 3

18 Aug 2017 . job hunt diary . Comments #diary, jobhunt, code challenge, interview, bootcamp, recruiter

Spent a fair bit of time working on updating my professional social media sites. LinkedIn and Stack Overflow are now up to date and application ready. Both of them provide a resume style PDF download which I’m considering using when requested though I’m not certain that’s such a great idea. Anyone have thoughts on this issue? I’ve also contacted a recruiter whose helping me shape my plans and provided some great resources to help prepare me for the impending interviews (Thanks Toby!). I’ve never actually had to do a live code test so I’m a bit worried as to how I’ll fare. Under pressure like that I’m worried I might lock up. Given a long history of lecturing in front of hundreds of University students, I’m used to stress like that. But where I am an expert neuroscientist, I am still early in my coding career. This is where I’m hoping HackerRank might come in handy. I will also make sure to refresh my memory of the algorithmic challenges I did when enrolled in The Firehose Project coder bootcamp.

Tomorrow, I’ll get stuck into getting my app up to speed and try to finish off integrating Paypal so the event organizers can start taking registration fees directly through the site. It’s kinda working now, but needs additional encryption and security before I’ll be ready to let it go live. That’s real money changing hands so I want it flawless.

Ok everyone, that’s all for now. Until tomorrow!
